One of my first posts was pictures of all of my Pure Ice nail polish. It is one of my more popular posts but it is so outdated and is in need of new pictures. Here is my update so people looking for swatches of different Pure Ice can find what they are looking for!
I used to have this really pretty moss green called
First Time. Unfortunately, it was knocked off my counter and it broke. It is also discontinued and my Walmart has gotten rid of all of those polishes. :(
Last year, Revlon purchased Pure Ice and Bon Bons, so there are many polishes that have been discontinued or renamed. I have many of them and will put a * by the name. Here is a link to the
full list.
Iced Merlot*, All Nighter. Sleigh Ride, First Love
Hot Tamale, Twinkle
Gold Dust*, Bite Me, Jaguar*, Playtime
Power Me Up, Wild Thing, Razzle and Dazzle, Mint Dream*
Celestial, Calypso*, Heart Breaker, Splash, A List
Outrageous, Twinkle (yeah, same name as the orange one)
A List is on this swatch |
Don't You Wish, Platinum, Kiss Me Here, Beware, Oh Baby!*, Fivesome